Friday, April 1, 2011

Win a "Tangled" dvd combo pack!

 This is from one of my favorite blogs!

Okay, so I know technically I am still on my little LWSL vacation, but I’m starting to miss you all.
So I thought today I would do something just for fun.
I don’t know how it is where you are, but here in the girly world, I have one very excited Princess.
If you know any little girls between the ages of 3 and 12, you may already know that today is the official release of Disney’s Tangled on DVD.
We can’t wait to watch it.
Doesn’t it look good?
(Even Snow White is excited!)
And now here’s the really good news.  One lucky reader will win their very own Disney’s Tangled Blue-Ray Combo Pack, which includes a regular DVD version and a digital copy of the movie, along with a few Tangled-themed surprises.  Really, what more could you want?

 Here is how to enter!!

Stepping Stones

I saw these "stepping stones" at the D Tree the other day and I liked the quotes but I couldn't get past the awful yellow lines and the dark greyish color!

I figured,I still have lots of white primer so I picked out 3 of my favorites and brought them home to stare at them and think what I would do! As soon as my husband saw them (and made a disgusted face haha) I explained,"I don't know what I'm gonna do with them but they are gonna be pretty!" He still doesn't believe me,I believe me,a little,but after I primed them I couldn't believe it. What a difference! I love spray paint! Anyway,this is as far as I have gotten.

They are sitting on top of my dryer,which I never use so it's  purpose is a "random projects in limbo" storage right now! But I am thinking of filling in the letters with either of these 2 colors,VERY carefully,with a thin brush. But since I already had the white primer paint,this project has cost me $3.00! $1.00 each stepping stone.

Early Frugal Days

Ever since I was younger I have been a frugal and thrifty person.I would go "trash-picking" with my brother to find things for my bedroom that other people just simply did not want anymore.I never took the junk,always the good stuff. I didn't see the potential in the "junk" until I turned 26! My favorite finds were holiday decorations. For some odd reason I know lots of people that throw a lot of them away after the holiday ends and this just kills me! I remember when the local D tree opened and how I was there on opening day! I even spent $75 on Halloween decorations from my nanny job savings and my brother spent $25. He didn't listen when I tried telling him to keep an eye out for quality over quanity and to this day he has none of those decorations,I still have mine :)

Hair Color Find

Last weekend,I went out on a quick shopping trip to Wal-Mart to grab juice. I remembered I had seen some hair color on clearance,by the garden center,so I stopped to see if,by chance,they had all been marked down a little more. They were all averaging $4.50 when I had seen them last week. I noticed the tags on them were still the same but they only had a few boxes of Natural Instincts for $7.97. Natural Instincts is not my favorite brand of hair color but since I usually color my hair red,I decided since spring is nearing us and it has been hotter already here,in southwest Florida,that I would go with my natural brown for a while. But not for $7.97,which is hardly a clearance price for any hair dye for me. I usually wait until they are $4 or under on sale or clearance and stock up. But then I noticed the tags,on the shelf underneath the product stating it Was $7.97 Now $1.00!!! So I grabbed 3,mom wanted one as well,and headed to the register. As soon as they rang up,OF COURSE they scanned for the $7.97 but I told the cashier they are marked $1.00 and after some eyerolling the other cashier behind her,just hanging out,went and looked and came back and gave a nod that it was ok to override. And the really neat part was the boxes came with a Venus Embrace razor attached!

They are about $6.00 on average and I personally bought 2 hair color boxes so typically what I would have spent $27.94 on,I spent $2.00. Now THAT'S what I call an awesome shopping trip!